Show allows you to target by the following criteria:
- Channel – usually a specific streamer, but can be of a group or a team
- Content – a set of games and/or categories
- Country – any country or a set of countries
Each criterion can be of an ‘include’ OR ‘exclude’ type (but not both).
For example, you can set your ad to run only in the USA, on any channel that doesn’t stream the ASMR category.
While channel and content are a strict criteria and easily enforced, the ‘country’ isn’t.
So in the example above, we will never show the ad in an ASMR channel, but in the non-ASMR channel that will run the ad, we may have some viewers that are outside of the USA. In these cases, Show will only count the targeted viewers.
i.e. if we run your ad on a channel with 90 USA viewers and 10 Canadian, we will only count and charge for 90 viewers. The same applies for clicks, conversions, etc.
Frequency capping can be defined by you upon creating the campaign, and work in a similar way to country targeting.
While we can’t enforce a viewer that join a live-stream not to see your ad again, we will not count nor charge any viewer that passed the frequency cap.
i.e. if we ran your ad on a channel with 100 live viewers, 90 viewers that never seen you ad before, and 10 that saw your ad (doesn’t matter in which channel) more than you defined cap, Show will only count and charge for 90 viewers.