If you wish to stop ads from appearing during your stream for a while, we recommend pausing them from your settings:
On our website, clicking the cogs icon in the top right corner of your screen will send you to your Settings page, there you should go to the “Pause Ads” tab and select how long they will be turned off.
Pausing your ads ensures they will be absent from future streams.
If you still wish to remove our service altogether, you will need to open your streaming software and follow these steps:
- Select the “Show” browser source in your scene/s.
- Click on the “Settings” (gear) icon for the source.
- In the settings window that appears, click on the “Remove” button.
- Confirm that you want to remove the source by clicking “OK” or “Yes” when prompted.
- Repeat for all Scenes you have the “Show” browser source in.